Pendampingan Manajemen Wirausaha Muda. Inovatif Inkubator

 "Saatnya yang Muda yang Kaya....."

Sabtu,11 Agustus 2012, 30 mahasiswa terpilih dari beberapa Perguruan Tinggi di Solo mengikuti Pendampingan Manajemen Wirausaha Muda. Inovatif Inkubator yang diadakan oleh Deputi Bidang Pengembangan dan Restrukturisasi Usaha, Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Fave Hotel Solo, mulai pukul 08.00-16.00 WIB.

Dalam acara ini, ada beberapa materi yang disampaikan oleh narasumber, yakni
1. Paparan Tentang Analisis Profil Bisnis KUMKM  oleh Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Siti Rahayu, MS (Rektor UNIBA Surakarta)
2. Paparan Tentang “Sosialisasi Kredit usaha rakyat (KUR)” oleh Kepala Divisi Kredit Bank Jateng
3. Paparan Tentang “ Spirit Kewiausahaan dalam Rangka Peningkatan Motivasi Wirausaha Muda UKM-TenantIr.  oleh Eddy Triharyanto, MP Kepala PPKwu LPPM UNS
4. Paparan tentang “Peluang dan Tantangan bagi Wirausaha Muda UKM-Tenant di era Perdagangan Bebas Melalui Strategi Bersaing” oleh Dr. Ir. Joko Sutrisno, MP Ketua Unit Inkubator Bisnis UNS

Piano Concert & Exhibition 2012

I can't play a piano, but, actually, my close friend was so loved very much with it. So, no matter when he asked me to come on Queen Music, Piano Concert and Exhibition 2012 at Solo Square Mall. This event was held on August 3rd-5th 2012.The top five piano brands  displyed here, there were Sammick, Roland, Casio, Privia and Celviano

How much the price of this piano?? STEINWAY & SONS. IDR.,-

the pedals of piano

BEAUTY ENTHUSIAST - Apakah Merek Kosmetik "Yang Bagus" ??


Cinta Laura with Hollywood Dream in Solo

Cinta Laura is an Indonesian artist. Yesterday, she came in PTPN Radio to promote her new second album, Hollywood Dream. 

Raka Dewantara interviewed with Cinta Laura

There are 11 tracks with the dance pop genre in this album that produced with DJ Sumantris as co-producer. The same as her 1st album, Cinta Laura collaborated with KFC, SONY Music and Swara Sangkar Emas to the distribution.

One thing that I remember, she was so perfectionist and discipline. If you take her picture, she would check the result. If it bad, she would delete by herself . Ohhhhh...Yup!!! She was very tall and has white skin. OMG :p :p :p

Solo City, one of destination for promo album roadshow. At 5:00 pm. She came to KFC Solo Grand Mall to Meet and Greet with the fans, yesterday.
Ten of JakaDara, PTPN Radio's listeners had a chance got free access to join Meet and Greet and also the newest album of Cinta Laura.

Sara n Max Nata
I thought, it was a good promotion strategy. If you want to get Cinta Laura's picture and signature, you had to buy the CD Album.

Jaka Dara PTPN Radio

Wow!!! Rio Haryanto. :D ricing driver from Solo

 Who did love a  photo session???? 

Cinta Laura's Mom

Thanks for Super Big Meals, KFC

Just "Cheers" on the last time.. See u next time ^^

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